Lyra, a young child, starts on a journey, meets friends and enemies and begins to understand the power she has over them.
Pullman, P. (1995). The golden compass. Knopf Books for Young Readers, ISBN: 0679879242
Impressions: This is a great fantasy book. It is the first book of a series and now I want to read the rest of the series! There is just enough fantasy and science fiction to make it appealing without annoying.
Susie Wilde (Children's Literature)
Phillip Pullman has begun a new fantasy trilogy with The Golden Compass, a book that's been selling well to both child and adult readers. The story takes place on an alternate earth in a time that seems similar to the late 19th century. In this world, science and magic vie for power and each human possesses a daemon, a being in animal form who is powerfully linked to its owner. The main character is Lyra, an innocent, who is determined to rescue children who have been snatched for mysterious scientific purposes. She also wants to free her father from a race of warrior polar bears, and discover her place in the world. The story's cast is varied, but always fascinating, including witches, poor folk with rich hearts, and protective academivs. Pullman unites adventure, scientific inquiry, and magic in ways that are fresh and thought provoking. 1996, Knopf, $16.00 and $5.99. Ages 12 up.
(Retrieved from Children's Literature Reviews, Children's Literature Comprehensive Database)
Suggestions for library/classroom use:
This would be a good book to use in a fantasy unit. A library could have a movie night and show the movie adaptation of this book. The patrons could either read this book before or after they watch the movie.