Peter Sis explains through pictures and text about growing up in Czechoslovakia.
Sis, P. (2007). The wall: growing up behind the Iron Curtain. Frances Foster Books, New York
Impressions:I was very impressed with the detail of illustrations and the symbolism of drawing in his book. He includes portions of his journal and his actual childhood drawings, which add to the effect of a autobiography. Not only are there illustrations, but actual photographs from Sis's life as well.
CCBC (Cooperative Children's Book Center Choices 2008)
Renowned author and illustrator Peter Sis' brilliant authobiographical exploration of the creative spirit offers his trademark blend of intricate visual images and narrative. Sis was born in Communist-controlled Brno, Czechoslovakia, in 1949 and displayed artistic interests from very early on. His talents were indulged and encouraged within his home. At the same time, creativity and freedom of thought were being repressed in his school and throughout his homeland as the Iron Curtain rose and the Cold War escalated. Sis beautifully outlines the tension between socio-political repression and creativity through journal excerpts, actual drawings from his developing years as an artist, and hauntingly complex images outlining the historical context of turbulent times in Eastern Europe. Each image underscores how he questioned the world around him as a developing child and adolescent, especially as news of Western popular culture filtered through the curtain. Creative expression and opportunity exploded for the author in the spring of 1968, only to be crushed quickly by the totalitarian strong arm. Sis was able to hold on to his dreams, however, fueled by his indomitable spirit and the force of his own imagination. CCBC Category: Historical People, Places. and Events. 2007, Frances Foster Books/Farrar Straus and Giroux, 48 pages, $18.00. Age 9 and older.
(Retrieved from Children's Literature Reviews, Children's Literature Comprehensive Database)
Suggestions for classroom/library use:
I would use this book for older readers, middle school or high school students, when teaching about the cold war. It would be a great resource for personal insight into how people lived in the Eastern Bloc. It would also be a good book to use when introducing graphic novels.
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